Tag Archives: Verrio Flacco

The Imperial Age

The story of Palestrina during the Imperial age is less known, but to judge from the inscriptions, remains of buildings and evidences of considerable artistic level, that have been preserved to the present day, it was a period of discreet prosperity, however not comparable with the splendors of the Republican Age. In the Augustan Age the monuments and archaeological finds …

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Grimani Reliefs

Rilievi Grimani

This plate belongs to a series of reliefs that are named after the first owner and which are now kept in the Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna. In ’70, repurposed in a building of the late Imperial age, was found the prenestin semple of Grimani Reliefs exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum of Palestrina together with marble copies of Viennese reliefs. …

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Fasti prenestini

Fasti Prenestini

In Latium Vetus, the region around/nearby Rome where Praeneste was one of the major centres, each city had its own calendar that counted the seasons, but also local holidays. With the consolidation of Roman domination/control, the centers of Latium will nationalize one after another and within some time they’ll become hegemonic. However the ancient Fasti – the latin term for …

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