Tag Archives: Neptune

Mosaic of Pisces

Mosaico dei pesci

The so-called Cave of Fates was originally a natural cave wich around the middle 2nd century BC was framed in a structure of tuff blocks and at the end of the same century  was included in the complex of Forum. Splendid mosaic decoration (Mosaic of Pisces) dating back at the end of 2nd century BC, was unfortunately damaged by subsequent …

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Buildings in the forum square

Visualizza a schermo intero Three buildings dating from the late 2nd century B.C. overlooked the Forum square: the Basilica, the so-called “Antro delle Sorti” (sacred cave of the lots) and the Aula Absidata (Apsidal Hall). The Basilica, today a large uncovered courtyard, was the place where trials and any other legal matters were held. Originally it was divided into three …

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